Singing Guide: Jesus Jones

Singing Guide: Jesus Jones

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jesus Jones is widely known for his alternative rock music that swept the charts during the late 80s and early 90s. The band is recognized for their dynamic instrumentals and hallmark use of electronic sound effects, which set them apart from their contemporaries. The vocals of lead singer, Mike Edwards, are distinctive because he blends traditional rock techniques with a style that is uniquely his own.

If you are interested in singing like Mike Edwards, the first step is to decode his style. Edwards uses a balance of two voice registers (also referred to as mixed voice): chest voice and falsetto. Chest voice is produced when the vocal cords are tightly closed, whereas falsetto is produced with a loose closure of vocal cords. To accentuate his vocals, Edwards uses a transition between these two voice registers with a vocal break, which sets him apart from other rock singers.

One song that showcases Edwards's vocal technique is 1991's "Right Here, Right Now" - a track that topped the US chart and became an instant classic.

To achieve his style, it's necessary to work on registers and change tones without strain. Singing Carrots offers various resources on controlling breath, such as breathing basics and breath support. Additionally, to improve your voice register blends, use a variety of exercises such as the ones provided on Singing Carrots' Vocal Pitch Monitor and Pitch Training pages, where you can build your skills of tonal control and perfect your pitch accuracy.

If you're looking to improve your rock-pop singing game overall, Singing Carrots offers a collection of insightful articles and exercises covering fundamental techniques that Edwards incorporates into his singing style. In particular, "Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing" and "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting" will give you an idea of how to incorporate different stylistic elements to your singing.

Overall, by focusing on incorporating breath control, using exercises and expanding your voice register range, you can steadily improve your singing like Mike Edwards.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.